Massage studio

Massage studio Aqua Lublin Massage is a therapeutic treatment that has healing, relaxing and regenerating benefits. It has a beneficial effect on the body and mind, promotes circulation, rejuvenates, and helps maintain the mobility and flexibility of joints and muscles. Welcome to our massage studio, full of relaxation, aromatic oils and calm music in a […]

Olympic-size swimming pool

Olympic-size swimming pool Aqua Lublin The first and only indoor swimming pool with Olympic dimensions (i.e. 25 x 51.3 m) and a depth of 3.9 m. Thanks to special dividers, it can be divided into up to four smaller sections that can be used for swimming lessons or aqua fitness classes. In addition, the separation […]


Aquapark Aqua Lublin Rest, relaxation and fun all year round! Relax Bubble baths Jacuzzi Heated outdoor pool Hydro massages Fun Pirate ship with a slide Climbing wall Tube slides 108 i 98 m Flat slides Wave pool Whirlpool around the giant football BACK

Offer for schools

Offer for schools Aqua Lublin Form matters – an idea for a P.E. lesson. Swimming classes are all about water games and activities. Children can enjoy the pool by learning to swim and by using the water playground, water slides and wave pool. Ticket price for a child in an organised group (Mon-Fri) up to […]

Swimming lessons

Swimming lessons Aqua Lublin Swimming lessons conducted at the Aqua Lublin swimming pools, H2O Zone and CSR Łabędzia. Classes are run by trainers with many years’ experience, for different age groups: children, teenagers and adults, and at different levels of experience. Courses are provided at levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. Course: 10 classes of 45 minutes […]

Price list

Price list Aqua Lublin Swimming pool complex Swimming pools + Sauna zone Swimming lessons AquaFitness training Group tickets FitGym Massage studio AQUAPARK + BASEN OLIMPIJSKI BILETY 75 min. 180 min. pon.- pt. Normalny 29 zł 58 zł Ulgowy 23 zł 46 zł Dorosły 25 zł 48 zł Rodzinny Dziecko 17 zł 34 zł BILETY 75 […]

About Aqua

About Aqua Lublin Aqua Lublin The only aquapark with an Olympic-size swimming pool in Lublin. The main part of the facility is an Olympic-sized swimming pool with 10 lanes and a moveable floor. The advanced technology of the 50-metre basin makes it possible to divide it into two parts and host competitions over a distance […]

FilmMOSIRowe Seanse

FilmMOSiRowe Seanse MOSiR Lublin KUP BILET “Diego” KUP BILET “Pirania” W letni, czwartkowy wieczór zapraszamy na niezwykły, biograficzny seans piłkarsko-filmowy.Czy jest lepsze miejsce na film o legendzie piłki nożnej niż stadion piłkarski? Arena Lublinw ten magiczny wieczór przekształci się w ogromną salę kinową… Wyjątkowo na murawę “wybiegnie” kinowy ekran, a zasiadając na trybunie VIP zagłębisz […]


Aqua Lublin Ruch w wodzie hartuje i przywraca witalność!Nieustanny wodny masaż ćwiczącego w wodzie ciała, łączy elementy zdrowego stylu życia, dbania o zdrowie i aktywność fizyczną. Jeden 45-minutowy trening prowadzony w wodzie, przyśpiesza proces pozbycia się tkanki tłuszczowej i pozwala spalić ok 400-500 kcal. Zajęcia poprawiają kondycję, samopoczucie i mają korzystny wpływ na układ krążenia. […]

Kup online

Lodowisko Icemania Bilety Karnety Pliki do pobrania Regulamin lodowiska ICEMANIA Regulamin oferty KARNET WSTECZ